The absence of one or more teeth in a row causes a disturbance of the chewing function,kombinirovannoe_protezirovanie_zubov which impairs the digestion of food and increases the risk of gastrointestinal disease.

With the loss of teeth a bite is getting worse and the probability of periodontal disease increases.The loss of a tooth changes person’s diction and appearance.

Tooth decay can be caused by several factors:

·         metabolic disorders and a lack of vitamins and minerals due to the unbalanced diet, besides pregnant women often need to install dentures ;

·         bad habits (biting a thread, cracking nuts, etc.);

·         abuse of sweet and fizzy drinks;

·         poor oral hygiene.

The main purpose of dentures is to achieve an exact match to the original color and shape of a patient’s tooth.Specialists of the clinic «Maxident» ensure that the prosthetics is conducted efficiently and they guarantee  reliability and  durability of denture, and moreover, they successfully return the required functionality and aesthetic appearance of defective teeth.

What is a denture?


Denture is a rather complex design, which is attached to the root of the tooth or bone in a special way; it performs a protective function or completely replaces your own tooth. Dentures are put in those cases when the teeth row is not complete, or teeth are damaged so much that they can’t perform their basic function — to chew food thoroughly.


It is worth noting that dentures do not cause any discomfort after the procedure of implantation. Patients say that several days will be quite enough to get used to them. You can safely eat and communicate without being afraid to lose dentures. Dental implants not only provide secure attachment but also transmission of chewing forces to the corresponding part of the jaw, which is part of the prevention of bone atrophy.Our experts will help you to choose the most suitable of the available methods of modern dentistry, prosthetics, based on your preferences, medical conditions, personal experience of our orthopedist.

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